The SunSpur PRO™
Flow State
Introduction to Flow State
I want to put you on the fast track to get the absolute most out of your SunSpur PRO™, and that means I want to teach you to dive right into a SunSpur PRO™ Flow State. By drinking your SunSpur PRO™, doing these 3 simple breathing techniques, and listening to some of my favorite binaural beats, you can function each and every day in a super enhanced state: a SunSpur PRO™ Flow State!
Step 1
Drink your SunSpur PRO™ (preferably on an empty stomach) Wait 30 minutes for it to kick in!

Step 2
Binaural Beats (you will need headphones or earbuds)
To fully understand binaural beats, you need to know a few basics about brainwaves and a concept called brainwave entrainment.
Your brain cells generate electricity as a way to communicate with each other and this electrical activity forms patterns known as brain waves.
These patterns can be measured by electroencephalography (EEG)
Scientists have found five main patterns of brain waves:
Each brainwave state is associated with different states of consciousness.
You normally go in and out of different brainwave states depending on what you are experiencing, but it’s possible to manipulate your brainwaves by using binaural beats meditation!
Binaural beats cause your brain to synchronize, or entrain, itself with the beat frequency. You can effortlessly train your brain to move into an Alpha, Theta or even a Delta state…its amazing technology that works like you would not believe! I have been doing this for over 2 decades now and I cant wait for you to try this too.
The SunSpur PRO™ Flow State focuses on THETA and ALPHA brain waves:
Theta Brain Waves (4 – 7 Hz)
Theta waves are associated with memory, complex problem solving and intuition.
Alpha Brain Waves (8 – 15 Hz)
Alpha brain waves are associated with relaxation, visualization, and unlimited creativity.
Here are three of my favorite binaural beats you can access for free on YouTube right now:

Step 3
Breathing Techniques
Now we add these 3 simple breathing techniques to the binaural beats. You can be in a sitting position, reclined in a chair or lying down; just get comfortable and close your eyes.
Stomach Breathing (Technique One)
– Headphones on, listening to the binaural beats. Eyes closed and in either a sitting, reclined or lying position; breath deep and put all your focus on your stomach filling up with air and then fully exhaling. Don’t force it, just breathe in deep. Keep your concentration on your stomach rising up full or air and then exhaling the air out. You can put your hand on your stomach to help yourself stay focused on this area. Do this for 2-3 minutes and then finish with the SunSpur PRO™ Grand Finale Breath: with one last deep breath in, hold for 10 seconds and then flex your upper body muscles tightly. Let the pressure drive the blood and oxygen toward your head and then release and just relax; eyes closed and just feel at peace. Stay in this peace for as long as you like…enjoy.
Foot Breathing (Technique Two)
– Immediately after you finish the stomach breathing, shift your focus to your feet imagine the air you breathe is coming in through your feet and then exhaling back out through your feet. Keep your attention on your feet and try and feel the breath moving in and back out of your feet. Full deep breathes for 2-3 minutes and then finish with the SunSpur PRO™ Grand Finale Breath: with one last deep breath in, hold for 10 seconds and then flex your upper body muscles tightly. Let the pressure drive the blood and oxygen toward your head and then release and just relax; eyes closed and just feel at peace. Stay in this peace as long as you like…enjoy.
Body Breathing (Technique Three)
– After you finish the foot breathing, go straight into body breathing. This series, you want to take in a full breath, eyes closed, and feel the breath filling up your entire body from head to foot. Full the body up on the inhale and let all the air out of the entire body on the exhale. Don’t force it, but get full breaths in and out. Full deep breathes for 2-3 minutes and then finish with the SunSpur PRO™ Grand Finale Breath: with one last deep breath in, hold for 10 seconds and then flex your upper body muscles tightly. Let the pressure drive the blood and oxygen toward your head and then release and just relax; eyes closed and just feel at peace. Stay in this peace for as long as you like…enjoy.

Quick Recap …
Step 1) Drink SunSpur PRO™ and wait 30 minutes for it to kick in!
Step 2) Put on your headphones or earbuds, plug into your phone or laptop. Choose one of the binaural beat links I have suggested. Get in a comfortable position: sitting, reclined, or lying down and with eyes closed. Begin listening
Step 3) Begin your 3 breathing techniques with eyes closed and listening to the binaural beats. Stomach breathing, foot breathing and body breathing…finish each breathing technique with a SunSpur PRO™ Grand Finale Breath…relax and enjoy!